BA factions smoke peace pipe

Home National BA factions smoke peace pipe
BA factions smoke peace pipe

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


The Boni Paulino-led faction of Black Africa (BA) has decided not to appeal the judgement by High Court judge Herman Oosthuizen delivered on 5 April 2024.

The judgement favoured the Thomas Adams-led BA executive committee.

Judge Oosthuizen dismissed an application to have the club’s leadership under Adams stopped from using the name, logo, brand and assets of the club.

Oosthuizen found that the valid constitution of Black Africa Sports Club dates from 2020, and that another constitution dating from 2023 is invalid.

With that verdict, the club’s supporters gathered at Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School in Katutura recently to deliberate the way forward.

The supporters then decided not to appeal the case for the greater good of everyone.

On his side, Paulino said it was necessary to advise the club supporters to rally behind the team, and to make it a great club again.

He added that he is not open to serving in the management structures of BA.

“We believe that the BA brand is bigger than any individual and leadership aspirations, and the above resolution will pave the way for genuine efforts to reconcile the family for a unified, strong and much more competitive club,” he said.

When asked for comments on the way forward, BA chairperson Adams told New Era Sport that this decision has been long overdue, and it was not necessary to go to court.

“Nevertheless, they came to realise this, which is good for the club,” he said. 

Queried on whether he is willing to work with former executive committee members (exco), Adams said he does not have a problem, but that they must respect the current exco.

The chairperson further called for the return of all BA property, including football kits, into the hands of management. 

“They must return all that rightfully belongs to the club,” Adams urged.

Shaun Asprilla Gariseb, who headed the concerned BA supporters, applauded the leadership for being honest and transparent, and not trying to influence anything. 

“Even though we are caught between two equally unpleasant alternatives, they left it in the hands of followers to choose how they want to go forward,” he noted. 

“So, we have to find our way back in terms of glory for both the netball and football teams. Our netball team is active in Windhoek now. The interim committee will foster unity and encourage everyone to rally behind the football team when time allows,” added Gariseb.