
Bag-a-Kid Launched For OVCs

Home Archived Bag-a-Kid Launched For OVCs

By Surihe Gaomas


Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC’s) in the country will soon receive an early Christmas gift with the launch of a unique initiative by a local company called Bag-a-Kid.

The Namibian manufacturing company, Bag-a-Kid, yesterday launched the first batch of 100 quilted, soft sleeping bags for children.

Bank Windhoek bought the batch for distribution to needy children at a cost of N$35 000, equalling N$350 per bag.

Officially launching the initiative in Windhoek yesterday, Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare Marlene Mungunda said the Bag-a-Kid idea was unique and welcome as it seriously addresses the needs of OVC’s in the country.

“This one is a real hit and on top of it, it is a Namibian product, ” said Mungunda, adding that in most cases OVC’s often have little or no bedding to keep them warm in harsh weather conditions.

With the firm belief that every child has the right to warm and protective bedding, Bag-a-Kid has a vision and commitment to fulfil its wish to provide for the basic needs of every deprived child in Namibia.

The latest 2001 Population and Housing Census indicates that there are a total of 156 165 orphans in Namibia with one in seven children under the age of 15, having lost one or both parents.

It is further estimated that this number will increase to 250 000 by 2021.
With the festive season just getting closer, the unique Bag-a-Kid sleeping bags are seen in a positive light.

The Minister encouraged other companies to donate to vulnerable children.
The machine-quilted bags are designed for everyday use and made in bright attractive colours for children. They are made from synthetic stuffing and colourfast polycotton.

The sleeping bags also come with a built-in cushion and synthetic stuffing making it soft enough not to require a mattress. Sizes vary from small, medium to large, ranging right from a newborn baby to 10 years.

The idea initially started with grandmother Sofie Jorgensen who handmade quilted sleeping bags as gifts for her grandchildren.

The bags soon become a hit and her daughter, Erna Keulder, who’s now the Managing Director of Bag-a-Kid decided to turn the grandmother’s sleeping bags into a business that would ultimately benefit OVC’s in Namibia.

“The vision of this company is to provide some warmth at night to the thousands of young Namibians who do not have that privilege at the moment…my wish is that this product will make a difference in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children,” Keulder said.

Bank Windhoek’s Senior Manager of Marketing and Communication Services Marlize Horn said the gesture is part and parcel of the company’s corporate social responsibility, with the bank glad to have come on board and join this unique project.

Five of the first 100 sleeping bags will be distributed to Children’s Hope and six to Venancius Rukero Aids Orphans and Vulnerable Children Foundation in Windhoek.

The rest will be distributed to OVC’s throughout the country through Bank Windhoek’s newly established Nkurenkuru branch in the Kavango Region, as well as in the South and through the Aminuis branch.