
Bank assists rural school

Home Education Bank assists rural school

KATERE – Standard Bank last week handed  donations worth N$40 700 to Linus Shashipapo Secondary School in Kavango East Region.

The donation included a cheque, second-hand computers and netball and soccer jerseys and balls, which will be delivered to the school once the bank sorts out the logistics.

The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, John Mutorwa, who is the school’s patron and a former learner as well as teacher who later became its principal before going into politics played an essential role to secure the donations.

Speaking in his capacity as the school’s patron he said he appreciated the donation made by Standard Bank and implored other corporate entities to emulate the example of supporting schools especially in rural and remote areas. “I and the entire school are indeed deeply thankful to Standard Bank of Namibia for the valuable financial and material donations that you have given us,”  he said.

Mutorwa said the bank was the first to respond when he went looking for funds for the school that is organizing its 40th anniversary celebration in August.

He urged the school’s management to go  the extra mile to spread the word on the planned 40th anniversary celebration to ensure it all goes well, noting that many former learners and other people who are now prominent in society should also plough back into the school.

He urged learners to work hard and show good results at the end of the year to give the school a good image and he reminded them of the school’s motto – ‘I shall’ – adding that they should study with that in mind.

 “You should not disappoint the people who are giving you a (helping) hand, you should sweat to get your bread,” Mutorwa said.

The Head of Marketing for Standard Bank Namibia, Thaddius Maswahu,  told the learners and teachers that the bank has now attached itself to the school and thus will be looking forward to seeing good results come December.

“If you will stick to the promise then it will make our relationship easier as the bank will not hesitate to assist where possible, we need engineers and doctors from this school, we are happy to donate to you,” said Maswahu.

The school’s principal Faustinus Shikukutu said he was excited to see the bank getting involved in the upliftment of the school, adding that the donations will be put to good use.

Linus Shashipapo Secondary School is situated in the area of Katere village in Ndiyona constituency, 130 km east of Rundu. It was established in 1974 and was named after the late chief of the vaGciriku tribe.

By John Muyamba