
Bank Windhoek boosts archery fraternity

Home Sports Bank Windhoek boosts archery fraternity

WINDHOEK – Bank Windhoek is sponsoring the Archery Association of Namibia to host the 2014 Federation of African Archery (FAA) Youth Championships, which gets going on April 11 at the DTS sports ground in Windhoek. 

The championships are the highest level of competition for Africa’s young archers and also serve as the continental qualifying tournament for the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Summer Games, scheduled for August 16 to 28 in Nanjing, China.

Countries that have so far confirmed their participation in the championships are Namibia, Egypt, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Central African Republic and Morocco, while Tunisia is also planning to participate. The closing date for entries is March 3.

Participants will compete in the age category of 14-20 years and in the two archery disciplines of Recurve and Compound. Seven Namibians will take part in the championships – Xander Reddig (Cadet Men Recurve), Sebastian Fechter, Mynhard Beukes, Hendrik van Eeden (Cadet Men Compound), Ruan van Staden (Junior Men Compound), Hané Snyman (Cadet Compound Women), Elisabeth Taljaard (Compound Junior Women).

Olympic Solidarity will fund and host a training camp in conjunction with the Archery Association of Namibia during the week preceding the championships. The training camp will cater for archers from the FAA Member Associations who will compete in the continental qualifier for the Youth Olympics. Pascal Colmaire, from World Archery will be the coach responsible for that week.

On Saturday, April 12, the archery association will host an open day at the SKW archery range to introduce and expose the sport to the youth of Namibia.

“The Archery Association of Namibia is grateful to Bank Windhoek for making it possible to host the African championships. The hosting of the championships in Namibia will put a much needed spotlight on archery as a sport and hopefully create interest within communities in Namibia, thereby increasing participation of more youngsters, also from rural backgrounds, to take up the sport.

Further sponsorships will help, as participation in high level archery is an expensive sport. Beginner level equipment however is not that expensive. Archery is a demanding sport putting high demands on mind and body. “Through perseverance, passion, dedication and devotion, archers master the power and precision of an ultimate sport and develop human qualities of integrity and respect,” said Frank Bockmühl, President of the Archery Association of Namibia.

The Secretary General of the Namibia National Olympic Committee, Joan Smit, said: “I am so glad that Bank Windhoek has taken the opportunity to become involved with archery.  The NNOC holds the sport in very high regard and we are certain that our next Olympic qualifier will come from archery.

“The sport plays a big role in cultivating discipline and powers of concentration in young participants.  I urge Bank Windhoek, and other companies, to become more involved with archery.  I am sure that the Namibian federation will make Namibia proud at this year’s African Archery Youth Championships.”


By Staff Reporter