
Bank Windhoek rewards best overall IT student

Home Business Bank Windhoek rewards best overall IT student

By Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – Bank Windhoek recently recognised Henry Moongela, a recent graduate of the University of Namibia (Unam), for his commitment and dedication to his studies during the past four years. 

Moongela, who graduated with a bachelors degree in Information Technology from Unam last month, was rewarded with a cheque of N$7 500 for being the best IT student and for his consistent performance throughout his four years of study. Speaking at the handover, Moongela said he wants to further his studies next year and the prize money will help make his dream a reality. 

The Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr Gideon Frednard, congratulated Moongela and said the student should see the award as recognition for the sleepless nights he invested in his studies. 

“To the other students currently in the department, it is an encouragement to study harder and a motivation to perform well academically, because they know their efforts will be rewarded. To the department, the award will spark an interest and more seriousness from the students, which will eventually manifest itself in the high-calibre graduates produced by the country. I would therefore like to encourage Bank Windhoek to make this award a standing award, for which students can compete on an annual basis. This will continue to nurture the seed that you have sown today, and ensure that it blossoms into a tree whose fruits will be enjoyed by many in our beautiful country.” 

“Although this is the first award, Bank Windhoek has a long standing relationship with Unam and has partnered with them on numerous initiatives to help them achieve their goal of developing the country’s human resources,” said Fillimon Ngairo the bank’s head of human capital development.