
Bartender stabs patron for refusing to leave bar

Home Crime and Courts Bartender stabs patron for refusing to leave bar

OngwedivaPolice in Oshana Region are investigating a case in which a man was stabbed with a knife by a bartender for allegedly refusing to leave a bar in the wee hours of last Thursday.

The incident occurred in Oshakati.

Oshana Regional Police Commander Commissioner Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa confirmed the incident. No arrests had been made as of last week.

According to the police, it is alleged that a group of men came to Atushe Bar in Oshakati at 04h00 and ordered the bartender to open the bar for them.

“The bartender allegedly told the men that the bar was closed, however, the men convinced the bartender that they would not make noise once she opens,” related Kashihakumwa.

It is further alleged that after persistent persuasion, the bartender eventually opened the bar, but the men did not keep their promise and continued to make noise. 

When the bartender allegedly noticed that the men were drunk, she ordered them to leave the bar, however, the victim refused.

When the victim refused to leave the bar, the bartender allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the left shoulder.

The victim was taken to the Oshakati Intermediate Hospital for treatment, however, he had not been admitted by the time the police officers left the hospital.  It is confirmed that the victim lost a lot of blood.

By the time of going to press, Kashihakumwa said the police had not established what had led to the incident, as the story that is with the police was only obtained from one source.  However, the victim could not be interviewed, as he was heavily intoxicated.

“Police investigation in the matter continues. We are waiting for the victim to stabilise so that we can also hear his side of the story,” said Kashihakumwa.

The regional police commander has warned bar owners to stick to the operating times, as stipulated in their liquor licences. “You should know your operating hours know the time you open and close,” warned Kashihakumwa.

The commissioner urged bartenders and owners to refrain from opening their bars for customers after hours. He reminded bartenders that by doing so they put their lives at risk because some people’s intentions are to observe and rob.