
Basson says //Kharas has achieved a lot

Home National Basson says //Kharas has achieved a lot

Steven Klukowski

KEETMANSHOOP – //Kharas Regional Governor Lucia Basson  when she delivered her state of the region address in Keetmanshoop over the weekend said she is profoundly happy that the //Kharas Region has achieved a lot. 

She further acknowledged the region is faced with many challenges, but supreme of those is finance. 
“It is my profound privilege to address you today during the year of accountability; this address will take stock of the Harambee Prosperity Plan implementation of the developmental budget under the financial year 2018/2019 and will also make reference to planned activities during this financial year,” said the governor. 

She further stressed the importance of the mandate renewal in terms of the citizen’s constitutional democracy, as they will be going to the polls to exercise their democratic right during the upcoming elections. Basson then encouraged those who qualify in terms of the Electoral Act to go register during the supplementary voter’s registration on the 8 – 27 July, in order to be qualified as potential voters.  

As a concern that may hamper the success of the emergency drought relief programme, the governor informed those present that 4 147 beneficiaries registered which exceeds the 3 353 bags of maize, tins of fish and bottles of cooking oil available for distribution. She however gave the assurance that the regional leadership “will devise strategies to overcome this shortcoming”. 

In addition, she expressed her satisfaction with the implementation of projects aimed at rural development, but however raised the concern that “these good stories are not known to the public to acknowledge our good deeds as government”.  Referring to her previous state of the region address, she was adamant that the non-accountability of public funds is non-negotiable and “therefore each and every government institution must account for every dollar spent, during this economic hardship in which our public revenue is not doing well”.

She further emphasised that corruption should not be allowed in the region and that citizens should not be deterred from reporting on it to the relative authorities. Explaining its devastating effects, she stressed, “corruption has resulted in many incomplete projects in our country, which could have benefited thousands of our people”.  

Addressing the youth section that is hard hit by unemployment, Basson encouraged them to apply for mining claims for mineral groups like semi-precious stones, precious stones, dimension stone, industrial minerals and base and rare metals available in the region as means to become economically self-sustainable. 

“To facilitate job creation for young people the promotion of relevant skills through quality vocational education and training remained a priority during the period under review,” said the governor. 
Basson gave the assurance that the government will continue to provide much needed services to its citizens, despite experiencing big cuts on the developmental budgets across all ministries.