
Berseba headman bemoans recruitment of outsiders

Home Karas Berseba headman bemoans recruitment of outsiders

By Hoandi !Gaeb

KEETMANSHOOP – The Berseba Traditional Authority has demanded to be officially represented on the Neckartal Dam Recruitment Committee in order to find an amicable solution to problems regarding the recruitment of workers from outside the //Karas Region. 

Speaking to New Era, Chief Johannes Isaack of the /Hai /Khaua Traditional Authority said there was a need to avoid polarisation between those who were awarded lucrative tenders and those who are being targeted as beneficiaries of the multi-billion dollar project.

He said unskilled labourers from other regions were being brought into //Karas Region to work on the project, which has a negative impact on the planned development of the //Karas Region.   

The chief said the entire recruitment process must be transparent and the profiles of those recruited and appointed for the different categories of jobs made public. “Hence our desire to be co-opted onto the recruitment committee,” he said.

Chief Isaacks said the matter was being discussed with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry so that many of the problems are resolved before full construction of the dam commences. “If we do not solve the problems now, how can we expect to be successful during the entire construction process?” he asked.

“If the rightful people whose plight was supposed to be addressed through the construction of the Neckartal Dam are not benefitting, we will continue facing problems to the detriment of all concerned.

“Presently, Salini Company, which was awarded the tender does not care as long as the job is done irrespective of who the beneficiaries are.”

A spokesperson of the company’s human resources division on enquiry said they receive applications and accompanying curricula vitae from the governor’s office and act accordingly.

“We do not recruit people without recommendation from the governor’s office,” she said