
Better incentives for Navachab marathon

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Better incentives for Navachab marathon

Organisers of the Navachab Half Marathon aim to upgrade the event to a World Athletics (WA) bronze-label road-racing competition with increased prize money this year. 

The bronze label is the third-tier level on the prestige classification grid of WA and race organisers must apply for recognition and demonstrate that their race meets several WA criteria. 

This year’s edition, which is the ninth Navachab Half Marathon, is set to take place on Saturday, 16 September 2023, in Karibib and is open to athletes of all genders, aged 16 to 50 or above, and will feature various age categories. 

Berthold Karumendu, the event organiser and senior sport officer in the Erongo region’s Ministry of Sport, Youth, and National Service (MSYNS) in an interview with Nampa on Tuesday said this year’s event would offer improved incentives. 

“We have introduced a 10-kilometre (km) run to the usual half marathon as well as a fun run, which is five kilometres. The improved incentives go from N$7 000 in the 21km to N$10 000 which is still way below the standard that will entice international runners to our shores,” he said. 

K a r u m e n du a l s o called on athletes to start registering for the event to avoid disappointment and emphasised the importance of maintaining a professional approach to register their event as a bronze-tier one. 

The event’s organiser also said that increasing the budget from N$7 000 to N$10 000 is a step in the right direction. 

“Last year we hosted over 600 athletes in Karibib, and this year we have high expectations of a similar turnout. Although registrations have been slow so far, we’ve already started receiving some. We’re hoping to avoid last-minute registrations like in the past, which can make things difficult,” said Karumendu. 

He said athletes who want to participate in the event from other regions can register just like they did in the past, adding that the MSYNS will provide transport from the different areas. In the event that any athletes are unable to secure accommodation, they will be given a place to stay at the Usakos Youth Hostel in Usakos. –Nampa