
Big concert gives audience goose bumps

Home Youth Corner Big concert gives audience goose bumps

WIDNHOEK- Violin melodies, flute tones, percussion rhythms and brass sounds dominated the soundscape on the campus of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) and plunged this week into a very special musical, almost magical atmosphere. 

Around 100 motivated young musicians from German schools in Windhoek, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria practised the varied concert programme from Strauss and Brahms to Michael Jackson and Walt Disney film tunes from March 4 to 8. Under the direction of the renowned South African conductor, Alexander Fokkens, the pieces were perfected and performed with a lot of wit, drive and, above all, joy in making music together.  For Fokkens, working with children and teenagers is always something very special. The energy on stage inspires him and the young people equally – he joked and with his personality, he managed to relax the atmosphere during the rehearsals and even in the final concert. “It is my goal that after the final concert all learners feel that music is something absolutely fantastic. Otherwise, I went wrong somewhere”, Fokkens said in a press interview. 

He definitely achieved this goal not only with the participants, but also with the enthusiastic audience. The DHPS auditorium was filled to capacity at the final big concert on March 8. Since the event also formed part of the “German Weeks” in Namibia, visitors had the opportunity to experience the diverse life at the DHPS prior to the concert: As part of the “Long Night of the German Language”, poetry, acts and interactive stalls ensured that music-lovers were in the right mood before the concert, which really met all musical expectations. 

A mix of music – from classical to pop – stroke the right note with the audience. The musicians’ joy in their music immediately sparked the spectators, gave them goose bumps and got them off their seats.  In the meantime, an almost eerie silence has returned to the DHPS school premises, learners and teachers of the partner schools have safely arrived back in South Africa after a tearful farewell and all participants are already looking forward to the next Orchestra Week in 2021 at the German International School in Cape Town.