Blood stocks at critical level

Home Front Page News Blood stocks at critical level

Alvine Kapitako

Windhoek-The Blood Transfusion Services of Namibia (NamBTS) has made an impassioned appeal to members of the public to donate blood, as the current blood stock is only enough for the next 12 days.

The educational officer at the NamBTS, Titus Shivute told New Era yesterday that the current blood stock for blood type O negative is expected to last for just over eight days while type O blood positive stock could last for 12 days.

Shivute said there are various patients who require blood for their lives to be saved.
“We appeal for people to donate blood. Christmas is a season of giving and there is no better gift than saving a life,” said Shivute. Last week, the head of donor relations and public relations at NamBTS, Zita Tobin said: “As it stands, we need to maintain a healthy blood stock, especially O type, which is for emergencies.”
One third of the population has the O blood type, added Tobin.

Tobin urged people living in Windhoek, who will be leaving to enjoy the festive season outside the capital, to ensure that they donate blood before embarking on their journey.

Blood is crucial because it can save lives and people who lose blood through trauma, during child birth and scheduled appointments are beneficiaries, explained Tobin.

NamBTS offices are open from 07h00 until 16h00 from Monday to Friday. New and old blood donors can donate at the NamBTS offices, stated Tobin.

There will be a number of blood clinics at malls in the north and Windhoek where donors can give the gift of blood this festive season.