Breaking the stigma of mental illness

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Breaking the stigma of mental illness

Author Immanuel Nghifikwa wants to save as many lives as possible through his new book ‘Top Brilliant Secrets: 100 tested and proven key principles to become the most developed version of yourself’.

The 23-year-old Nghifikwa said the book comes at a time when mental illness issues and their terrible consequences are highlighted in the media on a daily basis.

‘Top Brilliant Secrets’ is a self-help book that discloses tested and proven key principles that show people not to give up hope.

“They have the power to transform themselves into their most developed version of themselves and bring the change they want to see in their lives and see the good again despite adversities they encounter in their daily routines,” he explained in a media statement.

Nghifikwa described the book as a powerful tool that shows a variety of principles that would help anybody who seeks comfort, insight on different aspects of life, inner healing from trauma, agony, depression, and emotional turmoil and wants to go through the transformation in order to start experiencing a new life of self-love, growth, happiness, peace and productivity.

He added that the inspirational book also discloses enough key principles that will help people discover their worth and unleash their inner greatness to go bigger and go bold, stay motivated, positive, happy, productive and overcome big barriers to success like fear, negativity, procrastination, self-doubt and self-sabotaging behaviours in order for one to be able to go after his/her dreams and goals relentlessly and fearlessly.

“Overall, ‘Top Brilliant Secrets’ is here to nurture your body, and mind and form part of your spiritual growth,” said Nghifikwa confidently.

Oshalongo-born Nghifikwa is also a motivational speaker, poet, media practitioner and host of his ‘The day/Night Talk Show’ on YouTube.

He started the journey of motivational speaking and writing five years ago in high school when he presented his inspirational poem titled ‘The Quality of Education’.

His passion is to “spread positivity all over the world in a world smeared with negativity that seems to outweigh positivity”.

Asked about his motive behind writing the book, Nghifikwa said he struggled with anxiety and depression for about four solid years following the death of his father when he was just 14 years old.

After realising that he was dealing with trauma, he managed to pull himself together and started transforming himself in order to have a new life filled with emotions of joy and happiness.

“I needed to start experiencing a new life of self-love, growth, peace of mind and productivity,” he said.  Nghifikwa added that by learning through practical experiences for years, he was able to derive 100 key principles that really helped him to take back control of his life and find peace again. 

“I am here proudly saying those principles helped me to shape the person I am today and those are the most powerful principles that I shared in ‘Top Brilliant Secrets’.”  

The 115-page book is available in e-book version at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Lulu and other online book retailers. Paperback copies are available directly from the author via email at or simply call 0813490748. 

Find Nghifikwa on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube (all @immanuel__nghifikwa)