
Brewed at Unam

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John Ekongo ‘If one does not drink beer, you can go to church – or you can drink beer.’ So goes an adage at the University of Namibia. The promises of a ‘good life’ – that is, one characterized by drinking beer – and we’ll look no further if you’re looking for well-qualified professionals. In as much as I love writing, I know this piece to some extent will cause me eternal enemies, but I just could not help myself. Well the University had its annual ritual of the cultural festival recently, and the stadium was nothing but a recycling zone of green gold and white brown cans, bearing the all too familiar brands of the golden drink. You see to those unaware, the festival is the breeding ground for a number of enigmatic entrepreneurs. It is hugely profitable – it takes you roughly 45 minutes to an hour to run out of stock. No matter how overstocked you were. We are talking about Windhoek Lager, Tafel lager, Barreled Beer and all the fancy alcohol fizzy drinks. So do a quick math and work out a barrel of 25 liters for that period multiply by N$8,50 a pint that gives you N$212, now work this out for every forty-five minutes every hour, well you probably have a hefty thousand quid to be precise, N$1 272 after five-six hours or so. But then again who said this guy only sells for six hours. So over a day’s time, my ‘outiies’ would have made N$5 088, in 24hours. Now comes the ‘bang’ work that lasts for four days, well we have ourselves a millionaire student. Not quite like the Naukushu’s , Indongo’s and Maperes, apparently these colleagues are the big players in the brewing industry on campus. But yes they are affluent. Oh almost forgot, did I tell you that the Namibia Breweries just announced 194% profit margin Well what can we say if you put barbeque on the table, bring in the entire Mhasho crew, GMP, Phura and Ezimba. Let’s just say that, ladies and gentlemen, please, applause to the faculty of Economic and Management Science, for excellent business opportunities to otherwise indebted students. At least theories were put in practice. We’re not saying it is totally wrong, hell no! But it’s damn sure a whole heck of a lot of beer going around there, brother. And let’s just say that I am worried even though I am no parent yet. Yes, yes, yes I know to all those who will say, “Yeah he would know ’cause he was there”. I know I was there and I had a few green and golds, but then come to think of it again, I am no student. So student, shut up, take out your Molecular Bipolar Symmetric Biology text, complete the assignment and have Windhoek Lager. Eewa