
Bukalo councillors blamed for stunting development

Home National Bukalo councillors blamed for stunting development

BUKALO – Minister of Urban and Rural Development Peya Mushelenga has called on the management of Bukalo Village Council (BVC) to avoid infighting and concentrate on bringing development at Bukalo where the minister says councillors are to blame for not developing Bukalo.

 He made these remarks when he officially inaugurated the new BVC office yesterday.
“It is important that we maintain unity of purpose both as councillors and staff members, so that we don’t derail our efforts and endeavours to provide service delivery to our people. We must stop fighting among ourselves and we should ensure that we live up to our tasks,” said Mushelenga.

During the inauguration, officials from the village council and regional council complained there have been delays in the development from the village council. Mushelenga however said the slow pace of development should be blamed on the council management, who according to him might not be doing enough to bring development to Bukalo.

“You have been complaining that this town was proclaimed together with Nkurenkuru, and that Nkurenkuru has graduated to a town council and you are still a village. You have yourselves to blame. When you are not accounting on time, what is given to you. When you are not asking for assistance from the ministry to be provided for you, so that you can develop,” said Mushelenga.

He stressed that the village council develops into a town council in not so distant future. Mushelenga also revealed that the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts informed him, that the village council of Bukalo has not been providing financial statements. “Indeed you must double your efforts, to ensure that you comply with the requirements of the state finance act in order to provide an account on public funding.”

The building was constructed at a cost of about N$ 35million, and Mushelenga stressed this investment was done to enable staff members to have a conducive working environment for them to serve the community of Bukalo and enhancing efficiency and effective service.  

Speaking at the same event, Zambezi regional governor also cautioned the council against infighting, which he said might only lead to corruption. “Why do you have to fight? You are fighting because the tender is not given to your brother. You fight because the tender is not given to your relative. But if you follow planning, things will go well,” advised Sampofu.

BVC was previously been locked with infighting which involved former CEO Martin Limbo and Chairperson Charles Siyauya. The two could not agree as Siyauya accused Limbo of executing certain activities without council resolutions. Limbo in turn accused Siyauya of being corrupt and interfering with his work.  

This infighting led to the acrimonious dismissal of Limbo as CEO and he has thus far approached the Labour Court for unfair dismissal, and the case will be heard before the Labour Court from the 29th to the 31st of this month.