
Bukalo Village Council condemns Limbo’s tribal remarks

Home National Bukalo Village Council condemns Limbo’s tribal remarks

Katima Mulilo

The Bukalo Village Council has distanced itself from the tribal remarks authored by the CEO of the council, Martin Limbo, that went viral on social media in the Zambezi Region that is known as a hotbed of tribalism pitting the Mafwe against the Masubia.

In a media statement issued yesterday the village council stated that following its own internal investigation it could confirm that its CEO has indeed been the architect of the tribal remarks on social media.

Limbo started the latest tribal storm when he last week posted a photo of the Masubia traditional chief on his Facebook account with the words “paramount chief of the Zambezi region in waiting”.

This post went viral with critics accusing Limbo of being a tribalist. Limbo reacted by posting tribal remarks against the Mafwe.

But the village council has however reacted quickly by stating that the views expressed by Limbo do not reflect the views of the village council.

“As a council we fully respect the privacy of our employees and it is the duty of every employee of Bukalo Village Council to be mindful of their public conduct at all times. We truly believe that it is the employees’ public actions on duty or off duty that will make or damage the good name of our council,” reads the statement issued by the village council.

The statement further says that the council learnt about Limbo’s remarks following the story reported in New Era, and an urgent private meeting was held to discuss the matter and about six resolutions were reached.

Among others the council has distanced itself from the tribal remarks. “As a council we believe in one Namibia, one Nation. We believe in a Namibian house where no one must feel left out because of a tribe s/he belongs to,” the statement says.

The council also says that Limbo was wrong to do what he did. “Martin Limbo is wrong because the tribe he claims to represent does not encourage or promote insults,” the statement further reads.

The council further says that Limbo’s remarks might be damaging to the image of the village council and could scare away prospective investors and employees from other tribes.

“Council is not happy with his public conduct in this particular case and urges Martin Limbo to stop it while we further seek guidance that governs employer/employee relationships,” it was stated

The council however did not reveal whether further action will be taken against its CEO.

Meanwhile, a press briefing by Zambezi Governor Lawrence Sampofu to address the issue of tribalism in the region at large is expected to be held before the end of the week.

Last year the councillor of Linyanti Cleutius Sipapela also triggered a similar storm when an audio clip with heavy tribal undertones detailed a secret meeting allegedly convened by Sipapela and in which the Mafwe youth in Swapo were being urged to loathe and plot against other tribes, particularly the Masubia, seen as the main rivals of the Mafwe, to which Sipapela belongs.