
Burundi and Namibia to identify areas of cooperation

Home National Burundi and Namibia to identify areas of cooperation

Five ambassadors and heads of missions accredited to Namibia presented their credentials to President Hage Geingob at the State House yesterday.

They are Randy Berry, ambassador of the United States of America;  Zhao Weiping of China; Muktar Kedir Abdu of Ethiopia; Alexis Bukuru of Burundi and Hopolang Phororo United Nations resident coordinator.

 Article 32, Section (3) Subsection (c) of the Namibian Constitution provides that the President shall accredit, receive, recognise and appoint ambassadors, plenipotentiaries, diplomatic representatives and other diplomatic officers, consuls and consular officers.

Bukuru in a side interview explained that although there are historical relations between Namibia and Burundi, his country is planning to send several experts to determine the area of cooperation that will strengthen the relations.  

“We are planning to send a group of experts here to explore and determine on which areas we will form cooperation and bilateral agreements that will assist us in solving common issues the two countries are facing,” he explained.

He elaborated that Namibia and Burundi all have common issues of unemployment; hence, the group of experts will determine how the two countries can work together to tackle that sensitive and pressing issue.

The ambassador explained that once the experts establish the areas of cooperation, the country will then decide to apply for residency in Namibia.

Currently, Burundi has an embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, from where it administers six African countries.

Bukuru promised he will be visiting Namibia twice a year to ensure there are strong relations between the two countries.

Burundi’s relations with its neighbours have often been affected by security concerns, but Bukuru assured the concerns are minimising in the country.

On his part, Weiping told journalists that one of the priorities he will focus on during his tenure is to strengthen trade relations, as Namibia has potential in that area.

“I will ensure that the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is strengthened and also increase developmental relations,” he explained. Berry said he will strengthen the health and existing relations between the two countries.

“I will be travelling around the country in the next days and weeks to establish which areas need priority solidification. I will also ensure that I promote people-to-people relations between the two countries,” he explained. 

Abdu, who is also not a resident, explained he will ensure that ties between the two countries improve.
