
Businesses should look after their customers

Home Archived Businesses should look after their customers

THE aim of business is to make a profit and satisfy customers, but many fail to do the latter.  Namibia’s poor customer service attitude is an upsetting factor which the country needs to address on a stern note.

A lack of competition among retailers is a major contributing factor to poor customer service. Namibian businesses demonstrate a serious lack of understanding of what quality customer service means and how to ensure that it is delivered.

Many businesses must fix this bad attitude if they are to survive, let alone penetrate far-off markets with any success.

I recently went to the bank for an undemanding business transaction and waited in the queue for almost two hours just to be told that I was standing in the wrong queue and I should go to a different queue. What a waste of valuable time! Many businesses do not value a customer‘s time and let us waste time in queues, which can engender a negative impact on the country’s economy. This was an incident which could have been prevented just by employing an advisor at the door to show customers where they have to go for what is needed, a system used in other countries on the globe.

Just visit some of the retail shops around the country and you will notice that most will have ten counters but only two will be in operation.

Poor service is normally not an accident but a direct consequence of poor management. Customer satisfaction is not an option; but an imperative

It is very frustrating when one has to wait in a queue just to buy things like airtime, make simple payments or even purchase electricity.

Any business should put processes in place to identify customer satisfaction, respond to consumer problems as they arise, deliver quality service, stock quality products and build a better business relationship.

Business owners  have to work hard to build  a client base, and it is vital to manage complaints in order to avoid losing hard-earned customers.

In addition business owners  should dedicate resources (time and money) for training and reinforcement. Employees should be fully informed about company goals  and objectives.  Emphasis and training should be focused upon the importance of listening and responding to the customer’s request.  People can only do the job if they are given the right tools and objectives. It costs money to train people. It will cost more if you decide not to train them. And respect consumers because they are the ones sustaining your business. And only a fool will ignore his/her customers.



By Kuuzeko Tjitemisa