
Cabinet approves TAC for horse mackerel, deep-sea red crab

Home National Cabinet approves TAC for horse mackerel, deep-sea red crab

WINDHOEK- Cabinet has approved a total allowable catch (TAC) for the upcoming horse mackerel and deep-sea red crab fishing season.

Cabinet approved that a TAC for horse mackerel be set at 349 000 metric tonnes for the 2019 fishing season scheduled from January 1 to December 31. 

Announcing the decision, Information Communication and Technology Minister Stanley Simataa said Cabinet has approved that a TAC for deep-sea red crab be set at 3 900 metric tonnes from January 1 to December 31, 2019 fishing season.

Last month, Cabinet also approved 154,000 metric tonnes as TAC for hake, for the 2018/2019 fishing season, which begins November 1 and ends on September 30, 2019.

According to the Ministry of Fisheries latest statistic of 2015/16, the hake industry remains one of the biggest employers in the fishing sector, with a total workforce of 9 701 direct jobs out of 16 510 jobs in the entire fishing industry.
Cabinet additionally has approved a TAC of 200 rock lobsters for the new season, which also begins on November 1 but ends on April 30, 2019.

Cabinet endorsement that the TAC for rock lobster be set at 200 metric tonnes for the 2018/2019 fishing season, is as per the recommendation of the Marine Resources Advisory Council.

These decisions form part of the total number of ordinary and extra-ordinary (special) Cabinet sessions held during the year (February – December 2018). 

President Hage Geingob last week during the 2018 last Cabinet session highlighted these agenda items discussed and the total number of Cabinet decisions taken during the year under review. 

Geingob outlined some of the highlights of Cabinet business for the year 2018, during which 19 deliberative and decision-making meetings were held and taking 260 decisions.

Geingob, who addressed Cabinet at its last session last week, revealed during these meetings, they discussed 272 agenda items – leading to 260 Cabinet decisions. 

In addition, the President revealed that three special Cabinet meetings were held. As President, he held 92 meetings this year that were open to the media, he said at State House. 

Besides, measurable criteria to allocated fishing quotas, Geingob highlighted decentralisation (delegation) of certain functions of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare to Regional Councils; National Response Against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR); establishment of a Savings and Credit Cooperation (SACCOs) for Public Servants in Namibia; guidelines for appraisal of development or capital projects to be funded through the development budget as some of the major Cabinet decisions taken. 

Others include fiscal policy strategy, proposed 2018/2019 budget and proposed expenditure ceilings and allocations for the 2018/1029-2020/1021 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF); announcement of the 2018 hunting season; proposed Draft National Intellectual Property Policy and Strategy; Ease of Doing Business (EDB) in Namibia; Namibia Global Competitive Index (GCI) and Competitive Ranking as well as the proposed Amendment of the Competition Act, 2003 (Act No. 2 of 2003) and the Rape Amendment Bill, 2018. 

Geingob further revealed that issuance of commemorative bank note to celebrate Namibia’s 30th Independence Anniversary on 21st March 2020; implementation of the Basic Education Reforms; Namibia National Sport Reward Policy, 2018; Control of the Importation and Exportation of Dairy Products and Dairy Products Substitutes Amendment Bill, 2018; Guidelines for the Public Policy Making Process (PPMP) in Namibia and the operationalisation of the National Oil Strategy Facility as other major Cabinet meetings and decisions undertaken.