Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet Decisions of the sixth (2024) decision-making meeting held on 23 April 2024

Home National Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet Decisions of the sixth (2024) decision-making meeting held on 23 April 2024
Cabinet Briefs – Cabinet Decisions of the sixth (2024) decision-making meeting held on 23 April 2024

Cabinet took note of the update on the implementation of the drought relief support programme for the 2023/2024 financial year, the imminent drought facing the country, and the risk to livelihood and food security.

Cabinet approved the introduction of the following components of the drought relief support programme for the 2024/2025 financial year to safeguard and alleviate the impact on the livelihoods of affected communities and farmers: 

Food assistance: The Office of the Prime Minister to continue with food assistance to beneficiaries who meet the set criteria from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025,

Seeds and horticulture support: The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform as from 1 May 2024 to introduce support to farmers to procure early maturing seeds, drought-tolerant seed varieties and fertilisers for sale at subsidised prices at agricultural development centres,

Livestock support programme: Livestock marketing incentive from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025; 

Subsidies for the lease of grazing from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025; 

Subsidies for transportation to/from grazing from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025; 

Subsidies on purchase of animal feed from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025; v) Sale of subsidised fodder to farmers through agricultural development centres from 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024.

Water Provision: The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform to continue with the water provision programme to drought-stricken areas;

Cabinet approved the increase of livestock marketing incentive for large stock units from N$500 per head to N$750 per head, up to 75 heads, and for small stock units from N$100 per head to N$150 per head, up to 375 heads;

Cabinet approved for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform from 1 July 2024 – December 2024 to introduce a programme to procure fodder and sell it at subsidised prices through the agricultural development centres, with funding to be sourced from the National Emergency Disaster Fund (NEDF); and that the proceeds from the sale of the fodder be re-channelled to NEDF for the sustainability of the programme, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises (Treasury).

Cabinet took note and endorsed the estimated budget of the 2024/25 Drought Relief Support Programme to be defrayed from the National Emergency Disaster Fund a) Food assistance – N$600 million

b) Seed and horticulture provision-N$25 million

c) Livestock Support Programme-N$100 million

d) Water Provision-N$100 million

Cabinet approved that payment modalities to address challenges in payment of the above-mentioned subsidies under the drought relief programme should be assessed, and submitted to Cabinet for its consideration and endorsement; and

Cabinet directed the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform to implement an awareness campaign to encourage farmers to destock while the livestock is still in good condition.

Report on the seventh Africa Sanitation and Hygiene (Africasan7) Conference from 5 to 11 November 2023 in Swakopmund, Namibia

Cabinet took note of the outcome and the deliberations of the AfricaSan7 Conference with emphasis on the Swakopmund Declaration to foster accelerated actions for inclusive sustainable and resilient sanitation and hygiene service delivery across the African continent;

Cabinet supported Namibia’s implementation of the Swakopmund Declaration at all levels; and

Cabinet further directed the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform to ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the implementation of the said declaration.

Review of the Information for Self-Reliance and

Development Policy (1997)

Cabinet approved the review of the Information for Self-Reliance and Development Policy (1997): A policy framework for libraries and allied information and the development of the national policy on archives and records management.

Outcome of the Namibia and Venezuela trade and investment mission to Venezuela from 27 to 30 November 2023 

Cabinet took note of the outcomes of the Namibia and Venezuela trade and investment mission, and directed the following offices/ministries/agencies to take action in their areas of responsibility:

a)Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade:

b) Ministry of Works and Transport:

c)   Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform;

d) Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security;

e) Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation; and

f) Ministry of Urban and Rural Development

Total Allowable Catch for Monk for 2024/25 

Cabinet approved the total allowable catch (TAC) for Monk to be set at 9 600 MT for the 2024/2025 fishing season, as recommended by the Marine Resources Advisory Council (MRAC).

2023 annual report and financial statements of the Bank of Namibia

Cabinet took note of the 2023 annual report and financial statements of the Bank of Namibia, and authorised the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the said report in the National Assembly.

2020/2021: Annual report and financial statements of the Central Procurement Board of Namibia

Cabinet took note of the 2020/2021 annual report and financial statements of the Central Procurement Board of Namibia, and authorised the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the report in the National Assembly.

Namibia Deposit Guarantee Authority annual report for the year ended 31 December 2023

Cabinet took note of the Namibia Deposit Guarantee Authority (NDGA) as highlighted in the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2023; and authorised the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the annual report in the National Assembly.

2022/2023: Annual report and financial statements of the Namibian Standards Institution 

Cabinet took note of the 2022/2023 annual report of the Namibian Standards Institution, and authorised the Minister of Industrialisation and Trade to table the report in the National Assembly.