Cabinet takes stand against gender violence

Home Front Page News Cabinet takes stand against gender violence

To stem out gender-based violence from the Namibian society, Cabinet at its 16th decision-making meeting has resolved for the government to declare the scourge as a threat to humanity.
Cabinet has also tasked Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila to issue a parliamentary statement to that effect, instead of the proposed declaration of the state of emergency. 

Also, Cabinet has approved that law enforcement agencies enhance regular patrols in all regions and that members of the public should be sensitised to render assistance and provide vital information in the fight against gender-based violence. 
The Ministries of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare and that of Home Affairs and Immigration, Safety and Security have been tasked to strengthen the capacity of the gender-based violence and forensic units to deal with such gender-based violence. 
To further strengthen the fight against GBV, Cabinet has approved the promotion of neighbourhood watch and community network policing, as part of the social responsibility by all Namibians. 

Meanwhile, all government ministries, offices and agencies are urged to implement the recommendations of the Second National GBV Conference. 
Cabinet directed the gender ministry to coordinate the implementation of the proposed measures and report progress to the Gender Advisory Council, chaired by the prime minister.