
Caritas rescues drought victims

Home Archived Caritas rescues drought victims

OSHAKATI – Caritas Namibia National Organisation of the Roman Catholic Church in Namibia on Monday bought food worth N$1.1 million for households worst affected by drought.

Caritas is an emergency response unit that promotes integral development, also promoting peace and reconciliation.

The humanitarian arm of the Roman Catholic Church was responding to government’s plea for NGOs to assist households that are critically affected by the current drought. The organisation bought food hampers worth N$1.1 million from Pick n Pay Ongwediva to donate to drought-stricken communities across the country.

It is estimated that the donation will benefit 13 500 households which is about 10 000 persons in nine beneficiary regions. Some 6 670 households from Oshana, Ohangwena, Oshikoto, Omusati alone will benefit from this generous food donation.

The hampers which contain 2kg dry beans, 1kg brown sugar, 2kg parboiled rice and 2 bottles of 750 ml cooking oil will eventually be handed to 22 mission stations across the country.  The project is expected to run until March 2014 and will supplement what the government is currently giving to drought affected communities in terms of drought relief food.

Sister Aida Manlucu of the Caritas Namibia National Organisation of the Roman Catholic Church said the donation will be given to all citizens affected by drought regardless of their religion or whether they live in rural or urban areas.

The food hampers will be arranged in labelled boxes to be distributed to the mission by a lorry. The food distributions will be done  every two months.

Manlucu said Caritas cannot help every individual who is affected by drought thus she called upon other organisations to step in and assist with whatever they can.


By Nuusita Ashipala