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Govt enlists trucks for drought relief distribution

Govt enlists trucks for drought relief distribution

RUNDU – The government has enlisted the services of private trucks in all 14 regions of the country to expedite the distribution of drought relief items. Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila stated this in the National Assembly recently, in response to Popular Democratic Movement member Diederik Vries, who asked what urgent interventions government has implemented since...

Farmers’ Kraal – Basics of planning, overcoming drought

Farmers’ Kraal – Basics of planning, overcoming drought

The agricultural sector is fundamental to the sustenance of livelihoods in Namibia. However, it faces several challenges associated with climate change. The effects of climate change are evident, as Namibian farmers have endured recurring unfavourable rainfall seasons that present distinct conditions or events such as floods, droughts, pests, and disease outbreaks, amongst others. Drought conditions...

Pipeline replacement costs N$90 million … as infrastructure theft derails progress

Pipeline replacement costs N$90 million … as infrastructure theft derails progress

OMUTHIYA/ONDANGWA – The Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) is spending N$91 million for the Ondangwa-Omutsegwonime pipeline replacement project phase one, which stretches about 17 kilometres from Ondangwa to Oshali. It is expected to take 12 months to complete. According to a press statement issued by NamWater’s head of public relations and corporate communications Lot Ndamanomhata on...

Accurate statistics vital for thriving agri sector: FAO

Accurate statistics vital for thriving agri sector: FAO

​​​​​​​Various experts who attended the recent Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Statistics (SPARS) assessment findings workshop concluded that empowered farming communities and a thriving agricultural sector cannot optimally function without the dissemination of accurate statistics. 

Branch-on-Wheels targets remote farmers

Branch-on-Wheels targets remote farmers

Agribank, the country’s leading agricultural financial lender, is placing special emphasis on small-scale remote farmers through its latest initiative Branch-on-Wheels, which takes its services closer to prospective and existing clients.