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Mobilising resources to combat HIV

Mobilising resources to combat HIV

Health minister Dr Kalumbi Shangula has stated that to address the HIV epidemic, stakeholders engaged and mobilised resources to combat the spread of infection. The engagement also created an opportunity to provide the necessary medical countermeasures to restore the health of those affected, and save lives. “Looking back at the successes recorded, we can all...

28 malaria deaths in 7 months

28 malaria deaths in 7 months

KHORIXAS – Namibia has so far recorded 28 malaria deaths this year. In relation to the statistics, four deaths were recorded in Katima Mulio, three at Onandjokwe State Hospital, two in Oshakati, one in Gobabis, two in Okongo and three from Engela. More deaths were recorded in Andara, where three people died: one from Windhoek,...

PrEP use taking off

PrEP use taking off

Spearheaded by the health ministry and supported by global partners, such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Namibia’s implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis, known as PrEP, demonstrates the country’s strong commitment to comprehensively combat HIV.  PrEP is a preventive pill that decreases the potential of contracting HIV through sex by up to 99%...

Namibia not close to eliminating TB – Nangombe

Namibia not close to eliminating TB – Nangombe

Rudolf Gaiseb Health executive director Ben Nangombe said despite government and donor efforts poured into fighting Tuberculosis (TB), the country’s dream of eliminating the disease is far from being achieved. In a recent interview, Nangombe said the World Health Organisation (WHO) classifies Namibia as a high-TB burden country, based on the high concentration of people...

Government halfway through Psemas’ overhaul

Government halfway through Psemas’ overhaul

The Namibian Public Service Medical Aid Scheme (Psemas) has encountered several issues over the years.  These issues range from ghost members, excessive costs, and overage dependents. Fortunately, efforts are currently underway to overcome these issues and improve Psemas’ effectiveness.  According to the 2024/25 to 2026/27 medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF), progress on Psemas reforms for 2024/25...

Kidney dialysis dietary needs costly

Kidney dialysis dietary needs costly

Battling a kidney disease is harrowing, and conforming and keeping up with the recommended diet is challenging to many who do not have the financial means.  Kidney dialysis patient Simon Halweendo (42) said it is tough keeping to his diet as it is expensive. He is not allowed to eat fats and food with high...

Fitness for more than physical health

Fitness for more than physical health

Michelle Hiangoro said over time, she discovered a passion for fitness that went beyond just physical health as it became part of her mental and emotional well-being, and then later as a career. Hiangoro, who is a fitness trainer at a local gym, said she is working towards maintaining overall health, increasing her strength and...

Exercise yourself healthy

Exercise yourself healthy

Fitness coach Peter Sakaria, who has trained both professional and amateur boxers, emphasises the importance of making time to exercise, regardless of age or fitness level. Sakaria, one of the coaches running Extreme Bootcamp in the capital, advocates for the myriad benefits of staying fit and healthy. “There are more benefits to fitness than just...