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Hepatitis khorauisens awosase ansa !gôab ge 1 600 ai mâ

ONGWEDIVAS – Hepatitis di khoraǂuisens ge !kharu ge kurigu !nâ ǀgaisase ge ǂharo, ǂurusib mâisan ge 10 ǀHōǂgaeb nē kurib dis ai ǁîn di xoamâisa !gôaba 1 635 ai mâse a ǂan!gâse. Hepatitis Es khoraǂuisens ge 56 khoen ûiga ge ū tsîn ge 6 672 !nae!khaide ge !nurihe nē ǁōs ge Hôasoreb 2017 dis ai a ǂanhes khao!gâ.


Rural school gets new classroom

OMUTHIYA – Omukwaniilwa Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo last Friday officiated at the inaguration of a classroom at Shuumbwa Combined School where he personally pledged to improve the condition of the school, including ensuring that it was electrified in the coming years.