ǀAEǁGAMS – Sîsenosib tsî ǀgâsib tsîn ge tsēkorobe ǁnae-ams ase ge hā, !gōsase ǀAeǁgams !nâ, nausas ge ǁnāpa Lidar ǀHûhâsib ǂNûiǂgāsa hâ hîa ǁnaetisa ǂnûiǂgādi ǀguis hîa khoena huis ase hâ tamasa xawes ge
Transitioning employees through change using effective engagement approaches
There is a saying that change is inevitable, so if you don’t adapt you die. The world is changing at an alarming rate and technology has played a massive role in this. In an ever-changing world, social norms,
Towards alternatives to imprisonment
WINDHOEK - As African correctional facilities continue bursting at the seams due to overcrowding, the Commissioner-General of the Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) Raphael Tuhafeni Hamunyela, is
Improperly registered private school shut down
ONGWEDIVA – The education directorate in Oshana has vowed to assist in placing 300 learners from the Bin Six Vocational Training School that was ordered to cease operations until it is properly registered.
Kavango West lacks proper sports infrastructure
NKURENKURU – The lack of proper sports facilities in Kavango West adversely impacts on the region’s sports performance particularly when it wants to compete at different levels and it undermines the region’s capabilities of developing sports.
Keeping children away from school prosecutable
ONGWEDIVA - The Director of Education in Oshana Region Hileni Amukana said parents who send their children to unregistered schools could face the prospect prosecution.
Pizo yakusabota hala baituti ba 12 000 babasalifelwi
OSHAKATI – Baituti mwa mutulo wanaha basabisa kuli bakashomaeta batu babañwi kuli basike babota mwaliketisa zetaha, kasamulaho baituti ba 12 000 nebasikalifelwa kwasikolo kikatengo kakalifela baituti
Wenela ifumana lule lwamali kono haina lisebeliso
Katima Mulilo – Nihakubonahala kuli kiomuñwi wamiseto yepatehile hahulu mwanaha Namibia, mi batu babafitelela likiti zemashumi amabeli bakena kamuseto mwakweli iliñwi feela, mi ñohola neba bafumanezi
Kutaha hamoho kwa Sanjo kukatusa kulundulula makilasi
BUKALO – Sikolo Sesipahami sa Sanjo kwa Bukalo mwasikiliti sa Zambezi siitekezi kueza koleko
Hey !Nami#nus Constituency, what’s #nu?
Keetmanshoop-based journalist Steven Klukowski zooms into !Nami#nus, one of the constituencies of the vast //Kharas Region, by speaking to its councillor, Jan Scholtz.