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Community keeps their dead for days

Community keeps their dead for days

Dysfunctional mortuaries in the Aminuis area have put an emotional strain on residents of the constituency, who are forced to keep their departed loved ones at home until the police arrive to collect the dead bodies.


Madisia will not call witnesses

​​​​​​​Deputy prosecutor general Henry Muhongo on Friday closed the State’s case against siblings Azaan Madisia (30) and Steven Mulundu (22), accused of murdering Shanon Ndatega Wasserfall.


ACC job fight on hold

The case in which Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) investigator Phelem Masule is fighting the decision of Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila to unceremoniously reverse his promotion in 2020, is currently on hold for a presiding officer to be appointed. 


Muzii community bemoans slow development

Community members of Muzii in the flood plains of Kabbe South in the Zambezi region have lamented the slow pace to implement capital projects in the area. Among others, community members are irked about the delay to complete a local clinic.

Preserving nation’s recorded history

Preserving nation’s recorded history

The National Archives of Namibia (NAN) on Thursday launched its first-ever in-house record restoration facility in Windhoek, aimed at repairing and preserving the nation’s recorded history, as well as providing access to users.