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Opinion –  Positioning one another

Opinion – Positioning one another

Namibia is entering its 33rd year of nationhood, yet the process of the fair positioning of all Namibians in terms of jobs remains an illusion. The process has become so solidarised that it becomes almost impossible to penetrate it.

Opinion –  Relying on hope to solve problems?

Opinion – Relying on hope to solve problems?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Every time you switch on the television, or radio or read the newspaper, all you will hear are the same endless problems the country has been facing year after year, while there are no strategies in place to solve them. 


Opinion – My recollection of curriculum reform

It is perhaps important to revisit how education reform, whose product is the current subject matter of discussion, evolved to assist both those with genuine concerns and those inherently-born spectators in the national affairs, whose pre-occupation is to criticise left, right and centre without offering any practical solution to the problem confronting us as a nation state.