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Power expansion hampered by low population density

Namibia’s low load densities and long distances between major load centres and potential generation points make it challenging for NamPower to expand the power system while ensuring the security of supply, maintaining reliability levels, and keeping the cost of electricity at a reasonable level.

Governors finally find their home

Governors finally find their home

Regional governors will no longer serve two masters. The political office bearers, who until now were appointed by the head of state but whose offices and budget resorted under the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, have finally been transferred to the Presidency.

Nabta leaders in N$1.5m defamation suit

Nabta leaders in N$1.5m defamation suit

Namibia Bus and Taxi Association’s (Nabta’s) longstanding internal conflict has led to its secretary general Pendapala Nakathingo filing a N$1.5 million defamation suit against the association’s former president Vespa Muunda.

Widow, 12 children left in poverty

Widow, 12 children left in poverty

ONGWEDIVA - A widow and her children were allegedly left with nothing after her late husband’s family cleaned out his bank accounts, scattered the business and took all the properties, including cars and a homestead.

Esau: I was used

Esau: I was used

Former fisheries minister Bernhardt Esau has pleaded ignorance about the crimes he is accused of as well as the industry he was leading, at least initially.