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//Kharas rocked by another toddler killing

//Kharas rocked by another toddler killing

Following the death of the one˗year old boy, allegedly at the hands of his mother at farm Buckholzburn in the Bethanie area, another four˗month old girl was discovered in a shallow grave at farm Swartberg in the Karasburg district earlier this week.

Nangombe claims overtime story ‘false’

Nangombe claims overtime story ‘false’

While health executive director Ben Nangombe dismissed claims that emergency workers have decided to not work beyond normal working hours due to nonpayment of their overtime claims, reports from the ground, however, paint a different picture.

Medical aid industry remains financially sound

Medical aid industry remains financially sound

The country’s medical aid industry reported a net deficit for the third quarter of 2022, yet remained well capitalised as it held a high percentage of free assets as at 30 September 2022. Additionally, the industry’s reserves level exceeded the minimum prudential reserves level requirement of 25% and is thus deemed to be financially sound.