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Opinion – Conservation and use of natural resources…paradigm shifts and mandates

Opinion – Conservation and use of natural resources…paradigm shifts and mandates

 Vincent N. Sazita Brian S. Lwendo The conservancy programme is underpinned by legislative reform, the Nature Conservation Amendment Act, that has led to a paradigm shift in how communities perceive and value wildlife.  In contrast to pre-apartheid antagonistic attitudes towards wildlife, communities across Namibia are increasingly recognising the value and contribution which wildlife and tourism...

Opinion – Empowering SMEs for oil opportunities

Opinion – Empowering SMEs for oil opportunities

The recent discovery of oil in Namibia’s offshore regions, particularly in the Orange Basin and the Walvis Basin, has sparked both domestic and international excitement. With major oil companies like TotalEnergies, Shell and Galp showing keen interest, these discoveries signal a potential economic transformation to begin in 2025.  As activities escalate, crucial questions emerge: who...

opinion – Mainstream media sustainability amid digital transformation

opinion – Mainstream media sustainability amid digital transformation

It is a challenging time for media operations everywhere.  Printed media sustainability has been sliding towards the abyss due to declining advertising revenue, reduced circulation and loss to technology giants.  Advertising revenue is the lifeblood of newspapers’ ability to remain profitable. This reality rings true in Namibia, considering that circulations of virtually all mainstream print...

Letter – Radioactive chips to curb poaching

Letter – Radioactive chips to curb poaching

Rhino poaching in Africa has risen to levels not seen in almost two decades. Black rhinos remain critically endangered because of the demand for its horns on the illegal international market, mainly in Asia, where they are used for traditional medicine, and increasingly as a status symbol to display success and wealth. Unlike most animal...

Opinion – Nuclear power to boost Namibia’s energy security

Opinion – Nuclear power to boost Namibia’s energy security

Energy security demands a reduction in reliance on imported fossil fuels, as everyone braces for the potential of an impending energy apocalypse. Namibia must prioritise building a nuclear power plant reactor if it wants to surpass its current position, and become a leader in energy self-sufficiency. The most cost-effective way for Namibia to boost energy...

Opinion – Is Green Hydrogen an investment for all?

Opinion – Is Green Hydrogen an investment for all?

Topics around resource management and the socio-economic impacts do not require only a nuanced understanding to avoid search-engine from crash, nor the right blueprint, but gained momentum of resource sustainability. As much as the need to engineer new development in the fourth industrial revolution is concerned, more consideration is needed to diagnose and antagonise the...

Opinion – Why parastatal privatisation is risky 

Opinion – Why parastatal privatisation is risky 

The privatisation of State-owned enterprises is increasingly being presented as a solution to the challenges these entities face, particularly in Namibia.  Proponents often argue that poor management and inefficiencies justify transferring State assets to private hands.  However, this perspective overlooks the broader and often detrimental consequences that history and global examples have demonstrated. While it...

Opinion – Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative and AU’s Agenda 2063: Part 2

Opinion – Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative and AU’s Agenda 2063: Part 2

Progressive forces have described China’s dream through the Belt andRoad Initiative in Africa and Africa’s dream through the African Union’s Agenda 2063 as complementary.  The Belt and Road Initiative projects in Africa have primarily assisted the continent to realise some of the seven developmental aspirations of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, leading to what has...