Exciting news can be expected soon as Meatco is finalising the results of its recent bold move to enter the West African beef market by exporting its CattleMan brand to Nigeria.
This comes after two representative organisations of the USA cattle industry last week objected to Namibia enlisting as a beef exporter to the USA because of fears of foot-and-mouth disease. Meatco and the Meat Board have both countered the arguments of the USA organisations, saying Namibian export beef adheres to the highest standards in the world.
The Cattle Man brand has since then also been registered in Ghana and Cameroon, which will allow Meatco to engage in the same demographic offering. Meatco Executive: Local Markets and Value Addition, Cyprianus Khaiseb, says Meatco’s targets are in place for the next two years, with focus on Nigeria in the first year, and Ghana and Cameroon in the second year. He says Meatco is confident that its market penetration will cause a ripple effect in North Africa, which will make things easier for Meatco as an entry point.
“This certainly opens up value addition for us in terms of scope for growth in international markets,” he informs. Khaiseb says in the past 25 years Meatco’s products have mainly featured in South Africa and Botwana but with the expansion into Nigeria, Meatco is creating additional value and increasing its basket offering to an even wider consumer market. “Meatco had to branch out to West Africa. Looking at the demographic spread as well as key players – especially those within the mining and oil industry – the CattleMan brand canned products will cater well to these consumers,” he says.
Last year Meatco partnered with ZEDECK Agencies in South Africa who helped Meatco to formalise the agreement process since they specialise in goods such as rice and oil. Their affiliation with Meatco also allows them to sell their goods to a larger consumer group.
The first shipment was recently sent to Nigeria after sample products were received very positively by key clients. Khaiseb says Meatco has been following through to get feedback on the ground as to how the product was received and Meatco will share its finding and very exciting news soon.