
CEO OF YOUR CAREER with Ipupa Fadeyi – Career growth mentorship for young professionals and graduates

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CEO OF YOUR CAREER with Ipupa Fadeyi – Career growth mentorship for young professionals and graduates

It’s all about career management

The world of work continues to change at an unprecedented pace. People now have more choices and are no longer confined to one job for life or constrained by geographical locations. The digital hybrid world expects individuals to do more to manage their working life and career. This involves the ability to develop a fulfilling and meaningful career through a personal and professional career development plan.


Hybrid world of work

Nowadays, a considerable number of professionals are opting for this
work model, with some as digital nomads to suit their lifestyle and to bring meaning to their work.

 As an illustration, a couple of my associates have virtual assistants responsible for project management, business development and other important aspects of their
companies. It is amazing to see how these virtual arrangements are yielding tremendous results. 

A similar trend is emerging amongst students who are taking up online call centre agents jobs for national and international businesses. This can be a consideration for you too because the one thing about young people, they are knowledgeable, flexible and value collaboration! What is more, the exposure is an opportunity for students to build employability skills since many employers still believe that most graduates lack basic ready-to-hire competencies.


Why career management

One of the shortcomings coming through during graduates’ mentorship sessions is the lack of essential skills to get their foot in the door. 

This could be a direct result of inadequate career management skills such as knowing where to look for employment, how to compile a good letter of application, writing an attractive CV, interview techniques, and how to interact on platforms such as LinkedIn.

Career management is the ability to manage and taking control of your career journey. It equips graduates with employability skills, and young professionals with the knack to strategically manage their careers. Also, good career management skills enable you to stand out as a candidate of choice for career advancement, and how to thrive as a future leader.

The process

The process involves developing
your career plan, crafting a clear strategy, creating an action plan, monitoring & evaluation. I always guide my mentees to keep the following questions in mind when developing their plans: “What”, “Why”, “How”, “When”:


– Develop your career plan – Establish “What” your career aspirations are.

– Craft a clear strategy – Be clear “Why” you want to achieve the things you aspire to. The “why” reminds you of the vision, and will keep you determined when the storms of life attempt to get in your way.

– Develop an action plan – Set tangible goals, and work out “How” and by “When” you intend to reach them. You may want to use the SMART technique.


Monitoring & Evaluation

One of the indices to measure fulfillment is progress. Therefore, have a mechanism to evaluate your progress against your goals.  Consider to hold at least two strategic review sessions (self-retreat) per year as a way to take stock of the results you have achieved thus far along your career trajectory. Identify a mentor for accountability purposes.



You are never too old or too young for career advancement, or to start a new career path. Shielding yourself in your comfort zone is not helping either. Imagine if you don’t enrol for that 4-year course today because you feel is too late, in 4 years’ time you will have advanced in age, but be stagnant in your academic progress. Develop cat agility, and move with your vision!


*Ipupa Fadeyi is a personal and career growth mentor and founder of IpupaK Grow You Mentorship.