
Chance to Write a Musical Movie Script

Home Archived Chance to Write a Musical Movie Script

By Frederick Philander


The Goethe-Centre/NaDS in collaboration with the Wild Cinema Film Festival Trust are inviting upcoming as well as experienced scriptwriters and directors to enter a script for a Namibian music clip.

One selected script will be produced during a music clip production workshop to be held from March 3 to 17 in the New Year, the Goethe-Centre said a statement.

“This production workshop includes the different production stages from script development to the shoot and the production. A German director as well as a Namibian producer will facilitate the workshop. The music clip will be completely produced in Namibia with a semi-/and professional local crew,” the statement said.

The clip will be premiered at the annual Wild Cinema Windhoek International Film Festival next year. The Goethe-Centre/NaDS in collaboration with the Wild Cinema Film Festival Trust intend to enter the clip for international competitions and festivals.

Submission Procedures

– The deadline for submissions is January 18.

– Only scripts on an existing Namibian song, three to maximum five pages, will be accepted

– A filmography and CV of the writer and the music band have to be included

– A release form from the scriptwriter as well as from the music group to declare the copyrights of the final music clip ceded to the Goethe-Centre/NaDS has to be submitted with the script

– Only written submissions will be considered.

Music clips set trends. Their own aesthetic and imagery have already shaped the viewing behaviour of two TV generations. While they utilise similar rhythms and editing techniques world-wide, their visual and acoustic starting materials stem from the cultures of their respective origins. The impetus, which music videos can give to other cultural spheres, not least to art and to cinema, is significant.

“While most music videos are often just visual developments of CD cover artwork or one-to-one illustrations of song texts, this workshop will focus on encouraging Namibian artists to find their own artistic language and to create an artistically high-levelled product. Therefore the workshop will focus on the whole process of music-clip production: starting with scriptwriting via shooting and cutting and finishing. As music is one of the powerful arts industries in Namibia, we consider this workshop as crucial in capacity building,” the release concluded.