
The chickens finally come home to roost

Home Sports The chickens finally come home to roost

The human brain is a connection machine and quite practical – hence if we eat an unknown fruit and feel sick afterwards, we are likely to avoid it in future, labelling it poisonous and troublesome or unpalatable.

This is exactly how knowledge comes to be. However, this methodology creates false knowledge, to say the least.
Now, can somebody out there please tell me how long it will take the motor-mouth MTC Premiership chairman, one Johnny ‘JJD’ Doeseb, to wake up from his seemingly permanent slumber and start smelling the java.

The brother arrived in football with a bag full of juicy promises and brilliant ideas – well none has materialized and the country’s topflight football league appears to have engaged in reverse gear, instead of going forward.

The immaculately dressed outspoken brother promised to take domestic football to another level, including making the league a fully fledged professional set-up with sound administration without the slightest of flaws, Aikhona my broer !! things still remain the same, if not worse.

The current quagmire in which our topflight football finds itself is of our own making simply because those entrusted to administer the league dismally failed to plan carefully.

The sixteen-team bloated MTC Premiership is a crystal-clear example of bad planning, punctuated by sheer arrogance and egoism.
This particular exercise was conducted without a feasibility study, let alone the basic application of the four essential components, which are targets, practicality, realism and achievability.

Yours truly has it on good authority that Doeseb and his sidekicks tiptoed to the country’s presiding sports body, the Namibia Sports Commission, with cap in hand to try to convince the commission for a bailout, nogal.

They don’t say it loud but whispers have it that the visit was to request government to open their purse for the shortfall of nine million dollars required to coerce the league’s principal sponsor MTC into releasing its sponsorship.

Did yours truly hear bra ‘JJD’ arrogantly, or rather casually, brag that nine million dollars is just a tiny number 9 followed by another little letter called M?

Well, the chickens finally came home to roost because this is exactly what happens when corners are cut.
In any other decent structures, those at the helm of our flagship league would have done the honourable thing by tendering their resignation with immediate effect, vacated the office and let new blood take over – you have failed your subjects big time – Finish and Klaar!!.

Could yours truly then be faulted to conclude that our football is run by a cartel/ clique of blokes hell-bent on advancing their personal interests at the expense of football.

Dear readers, as pen pushers, we can only ink the nauseating maneuverings and expose the dozens of loopholes in the game but this is where it ends, our hands are tied. The onus now falls on clubs, the real custodians of our football, to remove and replace leaders who fail to deliver on their designated mandate.

People must learn to usher leaders through the exit door when they become arrogant and self-centered. Let’s us not wait until it’s too late. I rest my case!