
Chief Mamili calls for tribal harmony

Home National Chief Mamili calls for tribal harmony

CHINCHIMANE – The tribal head of the Mafwe, Chief George Simasiku Mamili VII, has called on his subjects to live in harmony with other tribes in the Zambezi region. Mamili made these remarks at the celebration of the Annual Lusata Cultural Festival at his headquarters at Chinchimane on Sunday.

According to Mamili, the coming together of his subjects each year to celebrate the Lusata Cultural Festival is a sign of unity, and this unity should be extended to other tribes. 

“You need to be uploaded for that unity and I urge you to cement it further in order to bring peace, preserve and promote our culture in diversity. I further I urge you to extend such peace and unity to other tribes within and outside the region,” Mamili exhorted his subjects.

He further condemned the increase of gender-based violence in the country. 
“Such men are called upon to change their mindsets towards women and innocent children,” counselled Mamili.
Mamili also stated that as the rainy season is approaching farmers should “start preparing their fields and be ready for the season to ensure food security in the country.”

The festival was attended by scores of people from all walks of life, and others came as far as neighbouring Zambia and Botswana. Members of parliament including the Minister of Information and Communication Technology Stanley Simataa, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Peya Mushelenga and the Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises, Veikko Nekundi also attended the festival.

In his keynote address, Mushelenga reiterated that traditional authorities are part of the government structure, and exist alongside local authorities under the umbrella of the regional councils.

He added that these important organs should work harmoniously to bring about development.
“All these institutions have the responsibility of serving the people that they lead, and who belong to one big family, Namibia. Differences between these institutions can only negatively hamper development and bring to a halt any positive growth and prosperity of our communities,” he said.  

He further stated, “In today’s world, traditional authorities should make their presence felt and their voices heard on socio-economic issues affecting our people. These include issues of sustainable development. Our ecosystem needs to be preserved and only when all stakeholders, including traditional authorities, are striving for environmental protection will we be able to safeguard our animal and plant species from extinction.”

Mushelenga stressed that the protection of all species can only be realised if traditional authorities familiarise themselves with the provisions of the Environmental Management Act.