
Chinese ships dock in Walvis Bay

Home Erongo Chinese ships dock in Walvis Bay

By Eveline de Klerk

WALVIS BAY –  A flotilla of three Chinese Navy vessels arrived on Tuesday in Walvis Bay.

This is the Chinese Navy’s first visit to Namibia since diplomatic ties were established between the two countries after Namibia gained its independence.

The Chinese Embassy in Namibia hosted a welcoming ceremony yesterday onboard one of the vessels that was attended by various local dignitaries.

The Chinese fleet consists of two missile frigates and a supply ship. It is currently on an eight-country African tour after completing escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somalian coast.

The missions saw them safely escort over 5 500 ships from various nations in dangerous pirate-infested waters.

The Chinese and Namibian navies conducted joint drills on Tuesday afternoon.