
Choir leave guests craving for more

Home Art Life Choir leave guests craving for more

By Sabina Elago


WINDHOEK- “We are all ready for Lunen, and ready to represent our school and the country at large. This is going to be a good experience for our learners,” says Mercia Ebrecht an English  German language teacher at the Martin Luther High School following the school’s choir concert at the Goethe Centre last Saturday.

The choir had a concert to prepare the seven chosen learner for a visit to their partner school, Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule in Lunen, Germany. Ebrecht, who is traveling with the seven learners, says the concert was to prepare the learners for the audience when they perform in Germany and to raise money for the different outfit they need. “We needed four different looks for different occasions. When we perform in different concerts we need to look different and presentable, but the school itself was unable to provide that for the learners, so this concert really helped out, we raise enough for our outfit,” she says.

Former students were some of the guests who attended the concert. The seven learners kept the audience alive with very beautifuls song that they are going to perform in Germany. With what they presented at the concert they showed that Namibia will be well represented with some really good songs that are heart- touching. “The Night”, “Ndikokele” and “Immanuel” were some of the songs that they performed leaving the audience asking for some more.

CAPTION:Seven learners from Martin Luther High School choir who are going to visit  Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule in Lunen, Germany,  Genre Afrikaner Grade, Terence Martin, Veno Kahingunga, Tiro Hoebes, Gadisha !Naris Grade, Goliat Uazeua, Samantha Hauses Grade and their teacher Mercia Ebrecht.