
Church murder accused granted bail

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Church murder accused granted bail

Two men who were arrested in connection to the rape and murder of a 29-year-old woman, whose body was found dumped at a local church in Windhoek in 2021, were released on bail yesterday.

Raymond Matroos and his co-accused Rajiv Jossep became free men yesterday after Katutura magistrate Surita Savage ordered their release on bail. 

Savage granted Matroos and Jossep bail after prosecutor Victoria Thompson indicated that the prosecution did not object to the accused being released on bail with reporting conditions attached.

Thus, the court ordered the pair to pay N$2 000 each for their release from police custody. As a condition of their release, Matroos and Jossep were ordered to report themselves at Katutura police station every Monday and Friday.

Their matter has been postponed to 6 April for laboratory results – making it a final postponement for such. 

The prosecution is charging Matroos and his co-accused with murder and rape respectively for the death of 29-year-old Quitenline Bonnita Eixas in May 2021. 

Eixas’ lifeless body was discovered at African Methodist Episcopal Church in Katutura, by a church caretaker on 23 March last year.

At the time, the family spokesperson, Immanuel !Aochamub explained that their daughter, who is a mother of four children, died as a result of blunt force trauma and injuries to the head.

He indicated that the perpetrators allegedly used bricks and blunt objects to break the back of her skull. 

According to reports, the caretaker who opted to remain anonymous said he made the discovery around 07h00 in the morning before the church service was supposed to start. 

When he stepped outside, he discovered a woman’s body wrapped in a red towel soaked in blood.

He tried to see if the woman was still breathing but later realised that she was dead. 

He initially wanted to flee but decided to call the police. 
