
City fills key positions for smart policing 

Home National City fills key positions for smart policing 
City fills key positions for smart policing 

The City of Windhoek recently appointed three people in key positions within its policing unit.  

Councillor Job Amupanda said the appointments will efficiently and effectively smoothen the smart policing of the city.

Leevi Iileka has been appointed as the head of the City Police, while Adam Eiseb will serve as the deputy head for administration, and Eliaser Iiyambo will take on the role of deputy head for operations.

Amupanda emphasised that the City decided to create two critical positions – deputy heads for operations and administration – to venture into modern policing.

“We want smart policing in the city, application of modern technology, data analysis, and innovative strategies in law enforcement to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of policing operations,” he said.

“We want our police officers to use surveillance cameras, drones, and advanced communication systems, to improve situational awareness and response times. Hence, we want a special dedicated person that will head that department which is now deputy head for the operation to analyse crime patterns, predict potential criminal activities, and allocate resources effectively.”

He added that Iiyambo will now be responsible for departments such as traffic, bylaw, and crime prevention.

As for administration, Eiseb will ensure that he strengthens the management and administrative aspects of the City Police, such as human resources, finance, and legal administration issues.

Amupanda added that the City has made a significant decision as part of the strategy to address the budget deficit issue of over N$300 million.

He added that last week’s decision also made a reduction of uniformed City Police officers from 538 to 491 while maintaining that there will be no job losses.

Amupanda said the move will save the municipality N$20 million, which will be diverted to the council’s housing programmes and other priorities.

“This is a positive development in the city. This action will not only bring stability to the municipal force but will also save the City of Windhoek about N$20 million as part of the strategy to sustain the City’s financial stability. Also, nobody is going to lose their job; we are just getting away with doubtful positions,” he defended.

Meanwhile, the City will soon hold a ceremony to rename the City Police Building to the Chief AK Building.

– ljason@nepc.com.na