
City Police Traffic Tips: Common traffic infringements in Windhoek

Home Motoring City Police Traffic Tips: Common traffic infringements in Windhoek
City Police Traffic Tips: Common traffic infringements in Windhoek

Community Policing Officer


Infringements of traffic rules is a major contributing factor to both crashes and fatalities in Windhoek. On a daily basis the Windhoek City Police issue about 70 fines to motorists who transgress traffic laws. Traffic infringements occur when drivers violate laws that regulate vehicle operation on streets and highways. Most minor traffic offences are dealt with as infringement offences, and the penalty for an offence can go from as simple as paying a fine to as complex as jail time. Common traffic infringements include:

• Not obeying traffic lights; e.g. moving when the light is still showing red.

• Neglecting traffic signs

• Driving under the influence of alcohol

• Not obeying speed limit

• Parking in a no parking area

• Failure to move with your driver’s license

• Driving without a valid/expired driver’s license

• Reckless driving

• Distracted driving

• Not wearing a seat belt

Motorists frequently break the rules of the road through deliberate disregard or simply by not paying attention. Our goal as police officers is to protect our community and its citizens, and issuing traffic citations is one of the many law enforcement methods that we use to effectively enforce traffic rules and protect road users from traffic collisions. However, despite going a long way to discourage dangerous driving, traffic laws, fines and penalties cannot make all drivers obey the rules. 

In order to be a responsible driver, you must be aware and constantly remind yourself of your road obligations. It is the duty of all road users to keep safe and stay on the right side of the law, by driving with caution and respecting traffic rules and regulations. You may not predict how other drivers will behave, however, you  can control your own actions.  

To report an accident the City Police Service can be reached on 061302302/2902239 or SMS to 4444.