
City showing symptoms of rot

Home Columns City showing symptoms of rot

Kae MaÞunÿu-Tjiparuro

A SECTION of the local media has revealed that the Namibian Police’s Inspector General has completed a probe into some alleged anomalies bordering on cronyism, among others, within the City Police.

Whether the allegations against a section of the City Police, and especially against some high-ranking officers in the force, are true or false is immaterial and irrelevant for now. In fact, that is the reason why the probe was commissioned – to get to the bottom of the allegations and until proven otherwise the falsehoods thereof. But how can the city and its residents, as well as the mothers and fathers of the city, and thus its moral guardians and otherwise, and indeed the rest of the country, get to such allegations and falsehoods, which may even turn out as nothing but figments of the imagination of whoever within the City of Windhoek made them, if the findings of this probe remain under wraps? And for how long does the city management intend to keep these findings under wraps?

Interestingly, one understands that this report has already been availed to the city management last year, but heaven knows what those privy to it thus far intend to do with it?

There cannot be many ways about this report but for the city management to act on its content. Either there is a basis for the allegations that have been levelled against a section of the City Police, and those who have been so accused must face the music, or they must be called to answer to the allegations and accusations. Or simply if nothing has been found or could be proven against them, they be exonerated. It simply does not make sense why, if allegations of such magnitude have been made against officers, the city should continue to be held at ransom by such unscrupulous elements?

It has lately been reported in the media that the City of Windhoek is due to impose a security levy on its residents, which boldly put and understood, will go towards the upkeep of the city’s police force. Which police force? One is compelled to ask. The very one, the subject of these unpalatable allegations? And subject of the probe by the Inspector General of the Namibia Police? Integrity and self-respect which, one is sure, are some of the virtues of the residents of City of Windhoek, cannot and surely shall not compel them, in the face of the allegations which have been levelled against some elements within the city’s police force, and who for that matter should lead by example, to be subdued by talks of security to part company with their hard-earned incomes to further fuel corruption and cronyism as has been alleged. But which the city bosses, if not the mothers and fathers, the ultimate guardians of the residents to ensure accountability to the residents, seem to keep under wraps, for reasons that only remain known to them.

As much good governance, one hallmark thereof of which is transparency, compels that the city officials, and ultimately the city mothers and fathers, come clean with the findings of the said report so that if some rot is busy biting the fabric of the city, is arrested and rooted out before it becomes malignant,. Only then can, should and would the residents of the city be convinced of the genuineness of the envisaged security levy. Only can they believe that such a levy is honesty intended for their safety and not to further the decadence of some elements within the city’s police force, if not that of the whole leading corps of the city. One cannot but become greatly worried at the manifestations of some elements within the city’s police force, and which those higher up in both the administrative and political echelons of the city seem to be conniving with, given their seeming reluctance in dealing with the report, granted their lack of courage and guts to deal with it, let alone release it to the public to judge for self.

Our city mothers and fathers must be well and kindly reminded that this is election year on the local and regional front. Already through the behaviour of some of the mothers and fathers of the city, to say the least, they are not in good standing and image with the general public.
Both the city management and mothers and fathers are well reminded that “when local officials in charge of public resources are accountable to their citizens, decision-making can become participatory. In turn, a participatory process can become the cornerstone of a substantial strategy to reform ‘sick’ institutions and improve the welfare of the city dwellers,” albeit Klitgaard and others. Is the City of Windhoek sick and in need of its dwellers to help cure its sickness. Your guess is as good anyone’s.