
Clubs backtrack on threats to ‘boycott’ league

Home National Clubs backtrack on threats to ‘boycott’ league
Clubs backtrack on threats to ‘boycott’ league

Clubs who last week and earlier this week threatened to ‘boycott’ the remaining fixtures of the Debmarine Namibia Premiership until their demands for additional funding are met have now seemingly backtracked on those demands. 

Former Namibian champions Black Africa, Orlando Pirates and Julinho Sporting were some of the few clubs that wrote letters to both the Namibia Premier Football League (NPFL) and the Namibia Football Association (NFA), threatening they would be forced not to honour the league’s remaining matches until more funds are availed. 

The clubs, in their letters, claimed the current grants they receive from the NPFL are not sufficient to cater for all their expenses; thus, the NPFL and NFA should consider availing additional funds to the clubs; otherwise, they will not pitch up for the remaining matches.

In response, the NFA this week made it categorically clear to the complaining clubs that the FA does not have any money available to advance to the clubs and also reminded the clubs it is their responsibility to source additional funds to supplement their individual budgets. 

“Clubs owners are expected to operate within the league grants provided, and they are also expected to invest in their clubs or approach other investors and sponsors. The responsibility to run clubs does not sit with the NFA. The NFA has and is doing everything in its power to solicit additional funds, which is not helped by the continued negative attitude and entitlement demands of some clubs.”

“We would urge you to familiarise yourselves with the NFA rules and regulations as far as it pertains to the non-honouring of league commitment. We are hopeful that Black Africa SC will find a way to honour the remaining fixtures and not disappoint its fans by withdrawing from the league at this late stage and risk relegation and/or expulsion from league,” warned the NFA. 

In a fresh twist, Black Africa yesterday issued a press statement wherein it stated its new position to honour all its remaining matches. The club’s coach Brian Isaacs also maintained the same position as per their new letter. 

“I also saw the letter on social media, but I have not been formally informed about it not honouring our matches. I will seek clarity during training tonight. But all I know is that we are going to play our games this weekend,” he said.

Meanwhile, Julinho Sporting head coach Nelson Lewis clarified their initial statement only expressed the club’s financial situation but not intentions to withdraw or boycott league games.

“The letter didn’t state that we will not honour our remaining matches, but rather to only express the financial situation of the club,” he said.


Full weekend Fixtures

Today, 21 April

Black Africa vs Civics (19h30 Khomasdal Stadium)

Young African vs Citizens (19h00 Legare Stadium) 


Saturday, 22 April 

Life Fighters vs Blue Waters (15h00 Mokati Stadium) 

Julinho Sporting vs Eleven Arrows (15h00 Rundu Stadium)

African Stars vs Tigers (17h00 SKW Stadium)


Sunday, 23 April 

Life Fighters vs Eleven Arrows (15H00 Mokati Stadium) 

Julinho Sporting vs Blue Waters (14h00 Rundu Stadium)

Young African vs Civics (15h00 Legare Stadium)

Black Africa vs Citizens (16h00 Khomasdal Stadium) 

– mkambukwe@nepc.com.na