
No cock and bull story …

Home Business No cock and bull story …

An average price of N$29 225 for bulls was achieved at the Namibia Genetics Auction on August 19, which was achieved amidst very difficult farming conditions. A total of 56 bulls were put up for auction, of which 44 were sold while four Dexter cows were sold for an average of N$6 688 with the highest price paid N$7 750. In total, 16 Brahman bulls, one Brangus, two Braunvieh, one Charolais, one Dexter, two Limousins, two Santa Gertrudis, four Simbra, 10 Simmentaler and one Sussex bulls were sold. The highest price paid for a bull at the auction was N$50 000 for a Brahman and a Braunvieh bull, respectively. In the picture, Riaan van Rooyen, Head of Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Investment at Bank Windhoek (right) congratulates Gielie Vermeulen, convener of the Namibia Genetics Auction.