
CoD Faction’s Detailed Options

Home Archived CoD Faction’s Detailed Options

Ignatius Shixwameni’s draft working paper that was used for discussion by regional representatives of the CoD Majority. The paper was prepared against the background of both ongoing calls by individuals in society at large and the concerned group for an open discussion on the events since the Keetmanshoop CoD Extraordinary Congress.

A closer look at the options available and their strings and weaknesses:

Agree we had an emotional, wrong judgment on the day of the walk-out and thus submit to Ben’s Group’s dictates and the so-called Newly-elected Leadership.

Return to Ben and his Group’s CoD as individuals and be absorbed where possible in their workings and doings, or just remain as members.

Depending on their Group’s acceptance of the individuals:
Certain individuals may be accepted and still be treated respectfully and be awarded for abandoning the Majority CoD regarding it as a coup on their part.

MP’s and Concillors may retain their seats in Parliament and Municipal / Town / Village Councils.

Total humiliation of those involved.
Be seen less as principle and opportunistic because of their realization that things were not going to work out.
Never be respected again in political life.

Will be regarded as confused and easy to manipulate and dominate.
Will be regarded as political amateurs and childish deserving no respect.

Will strengthen and deepen the belief that it is Ben’s party and thus consolidate the personality cult around Ben and Tsudao.

Will strengthen the despotic and anti-democratic tendencies which are there in the Ulenga camp.

Will hand them an easy victory against democratic forces within the CoD and instill fear in the membership of challenging incumbents for positions.
Will close democratic debate and participation in the CoD out of fear of being counted on the wrong side of the CoD.

They will have the right to choose whom to accommodate and whom to discard and isolate within the Group.

We will lose all supporters and sympathizers that we have and be regarded as cowards and useless politicians.

We will be regarded as useless and power-hungry individuals having nothing and no vision to offer the nation.

We will be discredited and disrespected forever by all serious-minded political individuals in our society, and internationally.

Will be looked down upon by the leaders as being useless.
It will be seen as a selfish act of betrayal by the majority of the people who walked out.

Fight On:
Fight on and wrest control of the CoD from Ben’s Group at all costs.

Possible Result and Consequences:
Go on with the forensic audit and, if proven there were irregularities, Ben and his Group will resign and the Majority Committee in coalition with some members from Ben’s Group will then constitute an interim.

Reconciliation and unity of the two groups under the possible new leadership later on when the special congress is to be held. (Questions: Will the two groups be able to work together hand in hand to re-instate trust in each other again?).

Will reconcile and consolidate the existing membership, supporters and sympathizers base.

Will continue or revive operations immediately and simultaneously, making use of existing members, in all 15 regions.

May be seen as a sign of politically mature leadership and a truly democratic party that can handle a crisis and still bridge it.

Will be seen and prove that we are capable of dealing and handling organizational differences.

Will show that we are principled and capable of standing up firmer and speaking up loudly when our rights and democracy are threatened by despotic machinations.

Will be able to continue with our current international friends and linkages unhindered.

Marching forward without any regrets and establishing a new political alternative for our country and its people.

Build a new, broad-based, ideology-based group with principles and a clear vision for our country and its oppressed people and the internationally oppressed but fighting community in general.

Establish a totally new Group/Institution which will involve people from all other political institutions and the not yet so politically minded in the country.

Will set new aims and objectives and a new and well articulated vision for the institution to be established.

May attract support from unusual corners both nationally and internationally.
May establish new international contacts and possibly access new funding partners.

Chance to forge new alliances with other progressive individuals and groups who are leftist in the country.

Establish a truly left, pro-poor, pro-development, and pro-worker’s political institution with a clear focus.

Will present an opportunity for a leadership that is truly national and broad-based from all corners of Namibia and reflective of all groups.

Will demonstrate our commitment to principles and socio-economic justice for all.

Will show clearly that we are not abandonists but people who can and must be trusted and can be counted on.

Will demonstrate clearly that we reject all forms of corruption, manipulation, dictatorship, despotism.

Will show that we are serious about defending democracy and are a no-nonsense group that cannot be pushed around.

Will lose out on membership of the Socialist International and the sister parties in the SI and their funding and support.

Will have to start an uphill struggle to win friends and support in the International community, which is not an easy task.

A new group will have to re-start working on winning the hearts and minds of Namibians and their trust/confidence – people’s suspicions and distrust about new things in general. These perceptions will have to be overcome.

May be shunned as grasshoppers and power-hungry Individuals.

Will lose out from membership of Parliament (National Assembly) Village, Town and Municipal Council representation until next elections.
Will lose out on State funding of political parties.

Abandoning politics and staying at home and being armchair critics of the regime and politics at large.

Quit active politics.
Surrender to the demagogues and hypocrites.

No one will bother you at all.
Remain independent and neutral at all times as far as party politics are concerned.

Become private citizens and withdraw from public life.
Pursue independent careers, including business.

Will be considered failures in life.
Will be regarded as unreliable, and thus not trustworthy at all.
May bring a lot of frustration watching dirty politics going on just as a spectator; observe on the sideline.
May drop interest in voting during elections.
Will be seen as victory for the CoD crooks.
Will play to the advantage of SWAPO which will end up taking everything whilst corruption, maladministration, despotism and autocracy will be the winners.
Democracy will suffer as people will lose faith in the country’s political institutions and leaders.
Will be a selfish and self-centred step to the disadvantage of the national interest.

Wait for SWAPO Congress in November/December and see what happens thereafter.

Time for the group is of great essence.
Cannot afford to lose the momentum created by Keetmanshoop.
Self-defeating different reasons.