College aims to strengthen practical skills

Home Front Page News College aims to strengthen practical skills

Alvine Kapitako

Windhoek-With the aim to contribute towards a better future for the youth a 30-year-old man has started a college to strengthen and impart practical skills to young unemployed people.

Gervasiu Taveuli explained that many graduates mostly only have theoretical knowledge, which disadvantages them in the job market.

“The market needs people who are qualified. We decided that our institution will focus on giving practical knowledge to our students,” said Taveuli.

Taveuli opened the institution a year ago but recently changed the name to Alpha Key College.
“The other name was more personal because I named it after myself. Alpha Key is more accommodative to the wider public,” said Taveuli.

Alpha means the beginning, added Taveuli, explaining that “we are the first key to open the mind of the Namibian child.”

Youths being targeted to enroll at the institution that offers various subjects, most of which are offered at other institutions in Namibia, are Grade 12 learners with a minimum of 18 points.

The Alpha Key College has five faculties – commerce, information and communication technology, sports and culture, education, and short courses.

“We are in the process of applying for registration with the Namibia Training Authority and accreditation with the Namibia Qualification Authority,” said Taveuli, who has qualifications in business management and marketing.
Furthermore, Taveuli said that the facilitators and instructors are “people who have been in the market for many years”, some of whom are local graduates.

The official launch of Alpha Key College is expected to take place today.