
First community library for Nkurenkuru

Home Development First community library for Nkurenkuru

NKURENKURU – Residents of the town of Nkurenkuru have responded well to the community library, which opened during the first week of this month.

“People, especially school children have started visiting the library to do their studies and reading while some come to make enquiries,” said Ndara Christoph, the library assistant. Currently the library has 621 publications, including 580 book titles. The library also shelves books in local vernaculars such as Thimbukushu, Rukwangali and Rumanyo.

Clementine Yakeya, the librarian responsible for the regional community libraries of both the Kavango west and east community libraries said currently the library is like a pilot project to gauge the response from the communities. “We have temporary shelves that will soon be replaced by the right library shelves as soon as they are delivered at the facility, we are also going to bring in computers, as well as install a wifi network for clients to make use of it, since the Internet is very important, especially for research and communication purposes and other world updates,” said Yakeya.

The library will also host a reading corner for children to help them develop a reading culture.

The library is currently waiting for books donated by The Book Den bookshop in Windhoel and the University of Namibia.

The newly established community library is open between 09h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday.

By John Muyamba