
Community police volunteers get office

Home National Community police volunteers get office

UUKWANGULA – The Uukwambi Traditional Chief Herman Ndilimani Iipumbu has given the Women and Men Network Against Crime an office at Uukwangula in Okatana constituency of the Oshana Region. 

The community police volunteers also received N$2 000 from a good Samaritan businessman in the area.

The Women and Men Network Against Crime is a community police volunteer organisation which has branches across the country.

Iipumbu said he appreciated the hard work of the Women and Men Network Against Crime hence the decision to donate one of the empty offices at the traditional authority complex to try to help ease their work.

“I noticed that my area never suffered seriously in terms of crime as it was the case before the Women and Men Network Against Crime was introduced,” said Iipumbu.

Regional Commander Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa said the donated office would serve 234 members of the groups at Ekamba, Uukwangula, Onashiku, Okaukamasheke, Shikongo-Kamutyetha, Andambombali  Otshaaneko  and Oshuulo.

This is the second office of the network in the region. The first was constructed by businessman David Nghipunduka at Eloolo village in Okaku constituency.

Kashihakumwa said the Women and Men Network Against Crime was established with 10 members at Okandjengendi location in Oshakati East constituency and boasts about 14 000 members in the region.

“It was not that easy for the public to understand quickly and accept the police because of the situation in which they found themselves for quite a long time under the notorious police of the old dispensation, thus it took them about six months to understand, eventually accepting and realizing that Namibian Police Force is their own police force,” said Kashihakumwa.

He said criminals have also realized the impact and effectiveness of the volunteer community police and their acceptance by the public.


By Loide Jason