
Companies help Mankumpi shack dwellers

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Companies help Mankumpi shack dwellers

MANKUMPI – The Mankumpi constituency councillor and chairperson of the National Council, Lukas Muha, applauded Telecom Namibia and Camsop Investment for their efforts to join hands with the Namibia Shack Dwellers Federation to help construct low cost houses at Katjinakatji and Mururani villages in the Mankumpi constituency. 

“We regard the donations by the two companies as a stepping stone and as a starting capital that will not only encourage the beneficiaries but also fast track the commencement of the project,” he stated during the official handover of donations by Telecom Namibia  and Camsop Investment at Mankumpi Constituency office last week. 

As part of their corporate social responsibilities, Telecom donated N$50 000, which was used to procure construction materials, such as roof sheets, while Camsop Investment donated an amount of N$30 000. 

Muha explained the N$80 000 donation is set to benefit 10 members from the Shack Dwellers’ Federation, who are found to be economically below the margin, for the construction of their houses at Katjinakatji and Mururani under the Namibia Shack Dwellers Federation programme.

Further, according to the constituency councillor, Katjinakatji and Mururani villages were identified as growth points by the Kavango West Regional Council five years ago – and it was, thus, observed there was a great need of housing within localities.

“The inhabitants of the two localities were guided to organise themselves into federations or associations. As a result, we requested the Regional Shackdwellers’ Federation to shed more light,” Muha narrated.

He added, “In September 2020, Katjinakatji Shack Dwellers’ Federation was established – and a year later, Mururani’s and currently, the registered number of members stands at 40 for Katjinakatji and 38 for Mururani”.

Muha also extended his gratitude towards the office of the governor, which assisted with the sourcing of sponsorship from the two donors.

During the handover ceremony, the Kavango West Regional Council chairperson, Joseph Sikongo, applauded the noble gestures shown by the two companies and urged them to continue assisting people in need. 

He also urged other companies to follow the good example and assist the communities as part of their corporate social responsibilities. 

Godfried Sakamba, the chairperson of the Shack Dwellers’ Federation in Mururani village, expressed his gratitude to the donors, the leaders and the office the governor for making this possible.