
Company donates to Omusati police

Home Omusati Company donates to Omusati police

OUTAPI – The Namibian Police Force (Nampol) Sport Club received a cheque of N$5 000 from a local businessman Immanuel Shaduka of Shaduka Trading cc in Outapi last week.

The donation is aimed at supporting the Omusati law enforcers to participate in the annual 10-day Police Championships to be held in Keetmanshoop in the Karas Region in August. Shaduka said he made the donation to the police in order to help them with transportation and accommodation. Detective Inspector and Regional Sport Officer in the Omusati Region Israel Simon applauded the gesture and stressed that the money will be put to good use. “The money will also be used to purchase tracksuits and playing gear for both the men and women’s teams,” he added. 

Representing the Regional Commander Commissioner Simeon Shindinge, Chief Detective Inspector Kenneth Simbwaye urged police officers to throw their weight behind local businesses, such as Shaduka Trading and to take their private vehicles to such companies for repairs in order to boost the local economy, since such support will enable them to plough back into the community. Simbwaye further urged businesses to assist volunteer crime fighting groups and networks in the prevention of crime. 

As for the donation, he was quick to point out that the gesture should not be viewed as a means to curry favour with the police, but should be viewed as a normal donation. “The fact that my surname is similar with that of Namibia’s most wanted fugitive, one Lazarus Shaduka, does not mean we are relatives. People should take note that we are not related in any way.” 

By Loide Jason