President Hage Geingob said on Sunday that the country’s constitution should be taught from school level up to university as a foundational course for it to be internalised by all.
Geingob marking the country’s 30th anniversary of Constitution Day said scholars and analysts should play their role by contributing in order to make the Namibian constitution a better document.
Namibia marked Constitution Day on Sunday. The President said without doubt, the constitution as a living and guiding document has served Namibia well. “Namibia has been marching on a path of peace, liberty, social progression and economic advancement. In the year of introspection, it is a path to which Namibians should rededicate with vigor, and persistently nurture, for Namibia’s democracy to grow, and for peace and justice to prevail, now and in the decades to come,” Geingob said.
He said the elected government has been guided by the principles of the constitution, which enjoins respect for the fundamental rights of all citizens, the rule of law and adherence to the doctrine of separation of powers between the executive, the legislative and judicial organs of the State.
If there are shortcomings in governance processes and systems, Geingob said the constitution provides avenues for the settlement of disputes by aggrieved parties through the country’s courts. “Government has continued to buttress robust processes, systems and strong institutions. If and when these fell short, as articulated in the constitution, an independent judiciary has served as the final arbiter of disputes by aggrieved parties,” he said.
He said in marking 30 years of the constitution and respect for the rule of law, Namibians are celebrating another significant milestone.
This milestone, he said, compels citizens to undertake a journey of introspection – about what has been achieved under constitutional government, and the shared challenges we face as a nation.
“The constitution is a living document. It is accessible to Namibians in no less than eight languages. Yes, there are challenges in making it more accessible, and these will be addressed to perfect this living document,” he said.
He said if certain provisions such as proportional representation had not been retained, the picture of political representation in parliament would have been different, with the ruling party Swapo keeping all the seats.
This, he said attests to the compromises made for a better democracy to emerge.
“I recommit to intensify efforts that will continue to promote the purposes of the constitution, of which service delivery and socio-economic justice remain core demands in the democratic constitution we founded on 9 February 1990,” Geingob said.
“The Namibian constitution is a living document and remains a crucial guide as we walk the journey of peace and prosperity. As we celebrate three decades of the constitution and the rule of law, I wish you all a Happy Constitution Day,” he added. –